function rho=sRGB2refl(T,sRGB) % Solves min sum(z_i+1 - z_i)^2 s.t. T exp(z) = rgb, z <=0, where % z=log(reflectance), using Matlab's constrained optimization function fmincon. % T is 3x36 matrix converting reflectance to D65-referenced linear rgb, % sRGB is a 3 element vector of target D65 referenced sRGB values in 0-255 range, % rho is a 36x1 vector of reconstructed reflectance values, in the range (0-1], % For more information, see % Written by Scott Allen Burns, March 2015. % Licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-ShareAlike 4.0 International % License ( % handle special case of (0,0,0) if all(sRGB==0) rho=0.0001*ones(36,1); return end % compute target linear rgb values sRGB=sRGB(:)/255; % convert to 0-1 column vector rgb=zeros(size(sRGB)); % remove gamma correction to get linear rgb for i=1:3 if sRGB(i)<0.04045 rgb(i)=sRGB(i)/12.92; else rgb(i)=((sRGB(i)+0.055)/1.055)^2.4; end end % do optimization options=optimset('Algorithm','SQP','MaxFunEvals',100000,'MaxIter',1000); z_soln=fmincon(@sRGB2refl_obj,zeros(36,1),[],[],[],[],[],zeros(36,1),... @sRGB2refl_con,options); rho=exp(z_soln); % nested functions for objective function and constraints function f=sRGB2refl_obj(z) % minimize norm of differences of successive log reflectances diff=z(1:end-1)-z(2:end); f=norm(diff); end function [c,ceq]=sRGB2refl_con(z) c=[]; % require rgb to match current_rho=exp(z); current_rgb=T*current_rho; ceq=current_rgb-rgb; end end