Project List

I’ve done a lot of projects over the years, and I’m finally getting around to documenting them

Sphereland Creatures

Vision in Curved Space

A study of how visual perception would change if we lived in a relatively small spherical universe.

3D Shadowlamp

3D Shadowlamp

A device that casts 3D shadows.

Side View

Segway-Style Balancer

A low-cost, simple Segway-style self balancing device made from off-the-shelf parts.



Works I created while being a nondegree undergraduate senior in the College of Fine and Applied Arts at the University of Illinois, 2010-2013.

UPS Time Exposures

UPS Time Exposures

A project I did with my wife’s K-1 class at University Primary School, Feb 2012.

Four Legged Walker

Walking Mechanism

A four-legged Theo Jansen “Strandbeest” walking mechanism.

Image 78

Monomial Method

A numerical method for solving nonlinear equations, and the graphical investigations leading to my Design by Algorithm work.



A device that charges in the sun all day and blinks all night.


Subtractive Color Mixture Computation

How to model subtractive color mixture in RGB computer graphics.


Computing Reflectance Curves from sRGB Triplets

Five algorithms for converting sRGB color values to realistic reflectance curves.