Miles Bradley Light, Jr.

Miles Bradley Light, Jr. was born in 1863. At one point in his life, he was the president of the State Bank of Winfield. He is Nena’s paternal grandfather. He is referred to as “Miles” below.

Links to immediate relatives:
Father Miles Bradley Light, Sr.
Mother Sarah (Light) Light
Wife Mary Lee “Mayme” (Sayre) Light (referred to as “Mayme” below)
Daughter Blanchard Frances (Light) Simpson (Nena’s Aunt Frances, referred to as “Frances” below)
Son John Sayre “Jack” Light, Sr. (Nena’s father, also referred to as “Jack” below)

Miles (left) and his brother Harry.

1887 in Sedan, KS. Left to right: Miles’s sisters Belle and Nellie, Miles’s mother Sarah Light Light, Miles’s brother Harry, Mayme’s sister’s husband Charlie Turner, Charlie and Blanche’s daughter Janet Turner, Miles (age 24), Mayme (age 20), Mayme’s sister Blanche Turner.

Miles in 1888 at age 25.

The family in 1890 or 1891. Back row: Mayme’s sister Blanche (left, in shadows), Miles, Miles’s brother Harry (right). Middle row, right side: Miles’s sister, Belle. Front row: Mayme (left, seated), Miles’s sister Nellie (seated, center). The other two in the middle row are friends of the family (the Ethell’s).

Miles (age 34) and daughter Frances in 1897.

Miles and his son Jack (Nena’s father).

Miles in 1905 at age 42.

Miles in 1910 at age 47.

Miles (age 47) and son Jack (age 12, Nena’s father) in 1910.

February 13, 1916, on Miles’s mother’s 89th birthday. Left to right: Miles B Light Jr. (age 53), Miles’s sister Belle, Miles’s mother Sarah Light Light, Miles and Mayme’s children Frances and Jack (age 16, Nena’s father). In back, Mayme (age 49).

Miles in 1925 (age 62).

Miles and Mayme in approx 1941 (age 78).

Miles in 1943 (age 80).

Miles passed away in 1943.